2019年9月8日(日)、森正隆先生の一周忌法要が国際連合チャーチ・センター(Church Center for the United Nations)にて執り行われました。多くの方々のご出席の下、法要後には森先生を偲ぶ会も執り行われ、故人を偲び記した植木政明主席師範の談話が朗読されました。
An anniversary memorial service of Mr. Masataka Mori held in NY
On September 8, 2019, an anniversary memorial service for Mr. Masataka Mori, who passed away a year ago, was held under the Buddist style at the Church Center for the United Nations in New York. Mr. Masaaki Ueki, Chief Instructor of JKA Headquarters, released a statement commemorating the deceased. The statement was solemnly read during the reception held after the service.