【UGANDA】Kyu grading and tournament
It was Saturday 20/November/2021 when we had our first tournament since lock-down was eased, allowing 200 people to gather at the same time in the same venue.
It all started with kyu grading in which 34 people participated, as the result was positive, this was followed by kata and kumite competition in which several universities participated which include makerere university, ndejje university, Uganda Christian university, and luzira secondary school, others include busia Karate club, isingiro tiger Karate club, mbarara Karate club.
It was amazing to see a young female winning kata competition in the young ladies category by the name buyondo. Senior men kata was won by Mugabu Richard of ndejje university and second position was rajjab karateka of busia, third position won by saad mahmood of ndejje university. Senior men kumite won by Muran musa of busia town, second position was Egwar gerald of luzira secondary, kakoza solomon of makerere university came third. Young men kata winners 1-abujalili Isma 2-habibu Isma 3-Wafulao Kalebu. young lady kata winner 1-buyondo ismail 2-namutebi pretty 3-Nakabubi maria. Lastly winner of kumite competition in the Junior category. 1-abajalli Issa.2-babu Issa.3-makimooth lazarus.
Reported by sensei asan, thank you very much Oss.