【VENEZUELA】JKA Seiken Venezuela : Keiko Osame 2020
Faithful to the principles that sustain the philosophy of Karate Budo. Based on perseverance, discipline, uninterrupted practice that allow the integral development of the practitioner. The Honbu Dojo Jka Seiken Venezuela, beyond the difficulties and limitations, performed his Keiko Osame, it was a practice of 5 hours of hard training, where the participants received kata practice Tekki Shodan, Basai Dai, Kanku Dai, Jion and Enpi.
With the study of their respective bunkai, the Jiju kumite also developed under the foundations and philosophy of Jka. The activity ended with the analysis of the refereeing regulations and competitive exercises for their application, the most important thing was the work of the spirit through intense practice and the promotion of the values of companionship and brotherhood typical of our karate.
All this to close a year full of challenges for the practice of our martial discipline, where we have had to get the best of ourselves, putting to the test the search for the long-awaited self-discipline. Congratulations to all participants, we will move on. Oss
Luis Reveron Sensei
Chief Instructor JKA Seiken Venezuela