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【ROMANIA】Report JKA Gasshuku Spring Camp Romania, May 24-26 Timisoara

【ROMANIA】Report JKA Gasshuku Spring Camp Romania, May 24-26 Timisoara

【ROMANIA】Report JKA Gasshuku Spring Camp Romania, May 24-26 Timisoara

Invited for the second time by the National Karate Association JKA WF Romania,Yasunori Ogura Shihan, led an excellent seminar in Timisoara. Very intense and with a lot of valuable information for all participants.

The training took place on two groups, 80 children, juniors and adults beginners and semi-advanced 5-1 kyu, and 60 black belts.
For the colored belts, Ogura Shihan structured the gohon kumite program and the Heian kata group very well, with emphasis and explanations on dynamics, distance, correctness of techniques and attitude.

And for the black belts, there was a lot of information, starting from Friday morning, May 24. Ogura Shihan taught a very good program for kihon ippon kumite and jiyu ippon kumite, with emphasis on movements in yori ashi and tsugi ashi, with changes of positions in attack and defense, with very good specifications for adapting the distance of attack and defense. I also practiced under the guidance of Ogura Shihan kata Bassai Dai, Tekki Sandan, Empi, Kanku Dai, in the standard JKA form, of course with the correction of the mistakes of those present.

All the participants enjoyed a very good tone of master Ogura, and thanked him after each training with applause.

On Saturday evening I attended a party together with Ogura Shihan, where we socialized with the instructors of our association and our invited friends: Janos Krepsz Sensei from Hungary with his team, Leslie Jensen Sensei from Sweden, Anton Ignat Sensei from Moldova with his team, Michael Harris Sensei from England, Valeriy Balashov from Russia.

Our colleagues and friends from the Becej Club in Serbia led by Attila Komaromi Sensei were also present at Friday’s training.

Congratulations to those who passed the dan degree tests, Raoul Florea 5 dan, Anton Ignat 5 dan and Sandu Cimpan 4 dan.

Thanks and congratulations to Ogura Shihan, from the entire JKA Romania team and all the participants for this extraordinary Gasshuku. Oss!

Zoltan Nagy
JKA Romania


The Japan Karate Association is a Public Interest Incorporated Association certified by the Cabinet Office and is committed to cultivate youth with quality.
The Prime Minister Cup and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports Cup are awarded to the national convention hosted by the Society.