【NEW ZEALAND】Online Grading operated by JKA head Quarters ( Japan) by Ogura Shihan on the 10th October 2020
This was the first ever Online Grading for JKA Auckland, New Zealand.
We received instructions from Hombu, how the grading will be conducted. However the finer details we were unsure how it will go. We were fortunate that we had Yuriko San ( Zimmatorie) to translate Japanese to English.
Next time we will be, more aware how to prepare. Also we learnt that we need to improve our sound system with amplifier so the commands are heard clearly. Mr. Ayyub Bhikoo repeated Ogura Shihan’s commands so the people grading can hear the commands.
We thank Hombu for making arrangements and understanding the travel band in place at the moment around the globe and facilitating the world wide members not to lose hope and interest during the Covid 19.
It was only Kata and Kihon. We needed some important licenses to be tested on. That was done successfully.
Ayyub Bhikoo