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【HUNGARY】Budapest Gasshuku 2022 (20-23 of July)

【HUNGARY】Budapest Gasshuku 2022 (20-23 of July)

【HUNGARY】Budapest Gasshuku 2022 (20-23 of July)

JKA Hungary managed to organize the first opened Gasshuku after Covid in July 2022, instructed by Shiina Katsutoshi and Kurihara Kazuaki Senseis. The event was quite successfull, showing good signs for the future.
We would like to say thank you to the JKA HQ, Shiina and Kurihara senseis and all the participants for supporting our camp.

During the 9 trainings the Senseis expressed the values of JKA Karate-do through kihon, kata and kumite, corrected our mistakes and pushed us towards our limits to make a progress both physically and mentally.

Total number of local clubs: 32
Hungarian participants: 248
Participants from abroad: 45
Black belts: around 55%

Karatekas arrived from 13 countries (+ Japan and Hungary), we received guests from Romania, Serbia, Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Belgium, Spain, Denmark, Estonia, Switzerland, Israel and Pakistan. We trained at 2 sportshalls in 2 separated groups most of the time, Shiina and Kurihara Senseis made the groups work really hard in the Summer heat of Budapest.
Excellent trainings for the body and mind, we truly appreciate the guidance.

We had a dan and qualification test with the following results:

Dan test: Shodan 29 / Nidan 6 / Sandan 3 / Yondan 3 / Godan 5
Qualification tests in all the categories: instructor C/3, judge D/2 + C/3 and examiner D/3.

We closed the event with a great Sayonara party with 171 people participating.
Looking forward to a bright future, where nothing disturbs the practice and the progress anymore.


Krepsz János
JKA Hungary




The Japan Karate Association is a Public Interest Incorporated Association certified by the Cabinet Office and is committed to cultivate youth with quality.
The Prime Minister Cup and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports Cup are awarded to the national convention hosted by the Society.