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Funakoshi Gichin Cup 16th Karate World Championship Tournament : Report from Funakoshi Gichin Cup Athletes from Russia

Funakoshi Gichin Cup 16th Karate World Championship Tournament : Report from Funakoshi Gichin Cup Athletes from Russia

Funakoshi Gichin Cup 16th Karate World Championship Tournament : Report from Funakoshi Gichin Cup Athletes from Russia

This year the Union of Shotokan Karate-do Organization of Russia (USKO Russia) celebrated 30 years being a Member of JKA and JKA World Federation.
As usual we brought a big team of 125 people (78 competitors, 5 coaches and 42 supporters) to the 16th World Cup in Japan.
The event’s organization was excellent, many matches were terrific, all our team members got a great experience.
Though Russia couldn’t participate in Team which is our strongest point, two Russian competitors Artem Rashmadzhian (19-21 y.o.) and Bulat Aiupov (13 y.o.) gained Silver medals in Individual Male Kumite which we think is quite a success.

On behalf of USKO Russia I wish to thank the JKA HQ, the Officials, the organizers in Takasaki, all the Judges, staff and volunteers who made this outstanding World Tournament take place in the true JKA Sprit.


The Japan Karate Association is a Public Interest Incorporated Association certified by the Cabinet Office and is committed to cultivate youth with quality.
The Prime Minister Cup and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports Cup are awarded to the national convention hosted by the Society.