On May 4th and 5th Nuns’ Island-JKA held its annual intensive JKA karate seminar. As usual, Sensei Mark Deschatelets performed his amazing basic training explaining the fundamentals of kihon and Heian katas.

The training in this seminar was designed towards the Canadian Nationals which will take place this weekend, May 19th in Montreal, Canada. We covered the essence of kumite training, sen-sen no sen, sen no sen, go no sen, and tai no sen. Kumite drills were followed up by facing off with partners, leading to Jiyu kumite in an actual court where those going for judging qualifications also practiced their materials.

We also emphasized on team, individual and Tokui katas. Katas practiced were; Taikyoku shodan, Heian katas, Tekki shodan, Tekki nidan, Tekki sandan, Sentei katas, Gankaku, Nijushiho, Sochin, Chinte and Gojushiho sho.

Our intensive seminar covered 8.5 hours of training in two days, 4 hours for the colour belts and 8.5 hours for brown and black belts including those going for qualifications and Dan exams.

We performed 12 Dan exams from Shodan to Sandan, 6 Instructors’ and 2 Judging qualifications.

In closing, we are honoured to be part of Japan Karate Association from which we learn extremely high-quality instructions from its instructors as well as cultivating friendship amongst all its members cross the world.

Thank you very much

Shahrokh Hoghooghi


The Japan Karate Association is a Public Interest Incorporated Association certified by the Cabinet Office and is committed to cultivate youth with quality.
The Prime Minister Cup and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports Cup are awarded to the national convention hosted by the Society.