Home » Reports » 【CANADA】34th AKJKAQ’s SUMMER CAMP




The 34th  AKJKAQ’s Summer Camp was held in Montreal from June 19th to 23rd 2024.

Since 1991, many years before the creation of JKA SKD Canada, we have been working on offering Summer Camps with the greatest JKA Instructors to all JKA members. This would not have been possible without the initial encouragement and support of Sensei Masataka Mori who made possible our continued connexion with JKA Instructors in Japan. This year, we had the great honour to welcome Sensei Tomio Imamura, 8th Dan and Vice-Chief Instructor of the JKA. Imamura Sensei who also graduated from Takushoku University had very kind words and recollection about Mori Sensei during the week.
This Camp was attended by 114 participants. Most of them are JKA SKD Canada members from Québec, and we were also very pleased to have participants from Ontario and USA. We had two 90 minutes training sessions per day. The last 30 minutes of the morning session was reserved to the black belt’s kata. In addition to the katas Tekki Nidan, Tekki Sandan, Hangetsu, Meikyo, Sochin and Gojushio Sho, which were on the black belts program for this Camp, we worked with great details and precision the five Heian kata and Tekki Shodan as well as Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Enpi and Jion.
From the first class Imamura Sensei used Taikyoku Shodan to point out correct kihon and foot movement, correct use of hikite and the proper timing of hips rotation in relation with the body shifting. During the Camp Imamura Sensei spent time and gave special attention on correct kicks (mae geri, yoko geri, mawashi geri, ushiro geri). He also emphasized the importance of balance, keeping the center and control of the supporting leg.
The last training of the Camp was used as a recapitulation of the week’s special points of attention and katas. This was followed by the Qualification exams and the Dan exams. Twenty-one candidates graduated at the Dan Exam and 5 new Qualifications were awarded.
Congratulations to all those who succeeded in their exam!

Thank you to JKA HQ for their support!

Jean-Pierre Cusson
President of AKJKAQ

The Japan Karate Association is a Public Interest Incorporated Association certified by the Cabinet Office and is committed to cultivate youth with quality.
The Prime Minister Cup and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports Cup are awarded to the national convention hosted by the Society.